On Wed, 31 Mar 2004 22:07:55 +0100 (BST), Bart Oldeman wrote:

Hmm. Sorry I didn't check out how dosfsck is compiled but perhaps you should compile with the GCC
-Wall -Wstrict-prototypes

may also come in handy

sometimes too but it depends on your codingstyle.

We use these four for DOSEMU and it catches quite a few of these kinds of

Indeed, this is the right way to compile any package, not only DOSEMU and DOSFSCK.

-Wall gives me many warnings for volume.c but I think that fixing them won't change the code.

Sure they should all be fixed and those that the other warning options you suggest give too.

The problem is this:
1. DOSFSTOOLS (http://packages.debian.org/unstable/otherosfs/dosfstools) is by Roman Hodek.
2. DOSFSCK (http://users.pandora.be/imre/FreeDOS/) taken from the above and ported by Imre.
3. Eric's patches, my patches, somebody else's patches, etc...
4. A source/binary package available online.

When a new version by Roman is released, (2), (3) and (4) must be repeated. Very inefficient!

We must find a REAL maintainer of our port of DOSFSCK who does (2) and (3), puts through to Roman, submits our patches to him so they get into the main code, maintains a site for (4) etc.

Sorry, but I'm too busy for that. The TU-Varna server doesn't work now, so I can't even do (4). I can't even test how DOSFSCK writes/fixes bad volumes as I don't currently have one handy ;-)


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