Hi, I wondered whether I should remove eecho.com / syseecho.sys
from the LBAcache package. Does eecho work well enough in current
kernel and FreeCOM e.g. for a color setting
eecho $[0;1;33;44m everything below this is yellow on blue
(including the problems of case sensitivity and being able to do
the eecho pretty short after loading nansi)?

And of course: I could leave eecho / syseecho in the package
anyway, for those who use non-FreeDOS kernels and shells.

Yet another kicking candidate is bootrand.sys: it hooks int 10
to set the border color to blue on mode change and to force yellow
on blue color for int 10.9 (which MS kernel uses along with int
10.2 - FreeDOS kernel uses int 10.E instead).
Bootrand also hooks int 21 to send some "I am already installed"
type replies to functions 4bff (Cascade), DD, DE, E0 and E1.
Very boring kind of virus protection for very few types of viruses.
A FreeDOS VSAFE would not only check install checks but also
suspicious calls in general (e.g. writing boot sectors or writing
into files which are executables).

An outlook to a possible LBAcache update:
I might add associativity. LBAcache is quite well optimized for
finding data on a cache HIT (it remembers the most recently requested
"cache element" and a list of 256 most recently used elements (one for
each hash value, so not exactly the 256 most recently used elements).
But in the case of a cache MISS or if an unlucky (not recently used)
element is accessed, a loop in binsel2 is executed at most [number of
elements in cache] times:
cmp eax,[si] / jz foo / add si,8 / loop
foo: cmp dl,[si+4] / jz found / jmp
(to beginning of this loop, as with "loop")

Default element size is 4k (NWCACHE: 3k? 6k? SMARTDRV: 8k).
Element size can be 1 / 2 / 4 / 8 k (as with SMARTDRV, but
SMARTDRV element size has various side effects / bugs) and
is a compile time option.

I think about making that 8k in the future. Any experiences
about how element size changes cache hit ratio in real life
with e.g. SMARTDRV??? Another idea would be making the size
a command line option.

Whatever... a 16 MB cache would be 4096 elements of LBAcache so
if you do something which is all cache misses, having the cache
loaded gives you a penalty of > 16000 CPU instructions for each
accessed sector. I think that can be quite a lot for systems with
slow CPU and/or where the cache content table resides in slow,
not well cached, DOS or UMB RAM.

By using associativity (as suggested by several people for quite a
while) I would SPLIT the cache by hash: For example I could say "all
sectors with an uneven hash key have to be listed in table entries
with uneven index" Or I could even say "all sectors with a certain
hash value (an 8 bit value) have to be in a certain area of the
table which is reserved for only this hash value".

The more I split the cache, the shorter is the chunk which I have
to search for the right sector but the more I limit the ability
of the cache to store many sectors with the same hash value at the
same time. So: How much splitting would YOU recommend?
Minimum cache size is 1/4 MB, which is only 64 table entries (elements),
which would even be too little to give every hash value a single own
table entry.
For 8 k element size, it would be even only 32 elements.
On the other hand, the table can be up to about 7000 entries (driver
cannot be > 64k in DOS/UMB RAM, and with element size 4 k you do not
reach that much for the max cache size of 99/4 (24.75) MB anyway).
Splitting that into only even/oneven hashes would mean a cache miss
penalty of up to something like 30000 instructions per sector for

The truth must be somewhere in between...


PS: I could probably make associativity depend on cache size,
e.g. if it is a multiple of 1 MB then there are a multiple of
128 elements even in worst case...

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