My limited testing of Windows 3.10 under FreeDOS ODIN 0.7 has had rather impressive results.

Last time I tested Windows 3 on FreeDOS, version 3.1 wouldn't load completely at all, and 3.0 was highly crashprone even with programs like WINFILE. Now, Windows 3.10 Setup completed flawlessly, and with WIN /2, it was possible to start Windows from FreeDOS. I don't currently have any 286-mode compatible apps to test, so I jsut played around with the Windows apps. All ran well. A shell to the command prompt from Windows, however, crashed with an Invalid Opcode while trying to run Exiting from Windows was fine though. I was pleasantly surprised that it worked as well as it did. (And w00t to QEMU)

Note I was not using the latest kernel, and I was using IBM's himem, not FreeDOS's.


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