Hello Eric,

> Hi, Pavel Novy, author of some tiny tool which Tyler found useful,
> writes me some explanation for "if you want to keep it tiny, then
> why does it start with mov ah,30h / int 21h (but does not do any-
> thing with the returned DOS version information)?".

the intended meaning of the above sentence escapes me.

> He found that
> the following code sequence would hang in Virtual PC:

> (com program)

as many other bloody bug reports by bloody amateurs, this leads to:

after spending half an hour, creating a new virtual machine, typing in
the program, and testing in Virtual PC, this works (of course)

specifying virtual PC settings, CONFIG.SYS, etc. would have helped to
reproduce the bug

so it's a complete waste of my time and not encouraging me to follow
any other bugs done by above mentioned amateurs :(((

>>                mov       ah,00h
>>                call      dword ptr [XMSControl]

> Can somebody try to reproduce? Should we add some handling to our
> HIMEM / EMM386 for it? I think this is A20 related,

according to RBIL
Call the XMS driver "Get XMS version number" function with:
        AH = 00h
Return: AX = XMS version (in BCD, AH=major, AL=minor)
        BX = internal revision number (in BCD for HIMEM.SYS)
        DX = High Memory Area (HMA) state

> something like
> "disable A20 on exec() and reenable it again on the first int 21
> call".

one more of Eric's complete wrong ( and therefore worse then useless)
'I think'

> Which is, by the way, a very useless feature:
some insight from the author of CALLVER :(

> LOADFIX (should be  part of every FreeDOS distro! Do we have one?

In what part of the universe did you spend the last few years ?


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