What I usually do is old fashioned printfs [or in this case calling BIOS print a character or a print # routine based on this, if I need to see values], disabling a chunk of later code if necessary for the code space. However, if you can live with GPL'd code, you may want to use our FreeDOS boot sectors. Depending on your kernel's needs, it may work already or only need minor tweaking; with sys you can presently set the kernel name, load segment, and whether you want FreeDOS/DR DOS style (loads full kernel image) or MS/PC DOS style (loads first couple sectors, but leaves BPB at 0:7C00 as loaded by BIOS).

Not sure about the cvs error, I use the cvsnt client, and when first checking out always cheat and follow the sf's directions (from there on I work in a prechecked out directory so no need to specify anything). It always works for me (unless sf has a notice about service outages).

FYI, the FAT16/FAT32 issue about loading Win9x DOS is known, and I'm working on it. The FAT16 code has a minor logic error in that it loads data from disk over the boot code (FAT12 works because its FAT/RootDIR are small enough to not cause the overwrite); so I am presently reworking the boot sector; the hardest part was figuring out what the various kernels needed still in memory and in the registers. [Just to be clear, the FreeDOS/DR-DOS boot sector is fine, only the MS/PC DOS boot sector has issues; but in fixing this I am also trying to combine the two so as to reduce sys (and possibly avoid size complaints :-)


Bernd Blaauw wrote:

Christopher Evans schreef:

It seems to lock up at fat chain loader, anyone have idea of debug a boot sector as it runs in realtime? This is a problem, getting a working fat12 loader to load my kernel, cant work on kernel unless got working loader and I run out of space in the file (512 limit).

The files in question:

What licens is this NXDOS under? If GPL, you could try some FreeDOS components. as you seem to create a realtime operating system (-kernel), maybe only SYS is usable for you. Currently it can create bootsectors for MSDOS, DRDOS, FreeDOS and FAT12 bootsector for Windows 98 (MSDOS 7.10 on diskette).
Win98 bootsectors for fat16/fat32 didn't work for me.

Hmm, how is CVS setup at sourceforge? got client but I get authentication error when use my sf user/pass.

No idea, not used to CVS, and also am not a programmer.


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