On Sun, 31 Jul 2005 00:01:09 -0500, you wrote:


>Name one DOS program that needs this for VDS support.  Otherwise it's 
>simply a meaningless feature checkoff list point.  Do you understand how 
>completely esoteric and removed from actual DOS reality a discussion of 
>internal memory remapping within the scope of VDS behavior really is?  VDS 
>is a soft standard that was never supported all that well, violated by 
>hardware and software products even when MS-DOS was a far more common 
>operating system.

Thank you for your explain.

>I could list you a dozen points of behavior actually noticeable to 
>end-users that differ between MS-DOS and FreeDOS.

As a user, I don't mind the different, all I want is moving my program
to FreeDOS and it runs.

But sadly some of the program still not work, and I'm stuck here.


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