It's sad to see you leaving Michael, but thanks for all the wonderful
work, and the humour along the way.  The next maintainer has big shoes
to fill :-).

On 8/19/06, Michael Devore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Uploaded to are the files
>, EMM386 2.25 and HIMEM version 3.25 memory manager, mostly
> executable files; and, source code files.
> This release of EMM386 and HIMEM works around a bug in some BIOS chips
> which affects HIMEM, improves compatibility with virtual environments and
> Ensemble/GEOS automatically without requiring manual addition of options,
> and adds an advanced NODISABLEA20 option to EMM386 by popular demand.
> Read on dear reader, if you dare...
> So that no one can feel neglected or ignored, I'm adding credits to each
> change remark.
> Per recent discussion in freedos-devel, there exists a BIOS which appears
> to corrupt stack values in a nasty way.  HIMEM now works around this.  All
> hail Tom Ehlert.  The A20 BIOS test was also moved from its front of the
> line position to follow other tests since it's not 100% reliable.  All hail
> Tom.  All hail Norbert.
> EMM386's NOALTBOOT option is now the default.  This doesn't change how it
> works, it just means it's always there unless you use ALTBOOT to inhibit
> it.  The default change was made because several virtual environments would
> have horrible keyboarding problems such as missing, doubled, or
> case-switched keys unless NOALTBOOT was active -- Qemu and VMware, I'm
> looking at you.  Also, Ensemble with GEOS required the option to not crash,
> now GEOS people don't have to remember to manually put it in their
> CONFIG.  I don't think anything depends on the previous ALTBOOT default, so
> we should be fine.  All hail Eric Auer and me.
> CR3 is explicitly forced to flush when using MMIO access outside of the
> standard memory address map.  Frankly I'm not sure this is ever needed, but
> I can't prove it's not, and there may be a rare case where it's
> needed.  Better safe than sorry.  All hail Japheth.
> By multiple request, a NODISABLEA20 option was added to EMM386.  It forces
> EMM386 to never allow A20 to be disabled via its global and local disable
> A20 routines.  All hail Tom, Japheth, and Eric.  Although addition of the
> new option is technically in violation of the hard freeze rules, I received
> a special dispensation from the Pope, umm, no that was Pope Leo X to the
> future Pope Clement VII.  I keep mixing those Popes up with FreeDOS.  OK, I
> received permission to add the option at this late date from one of the
> FreeDOS 1.0 release architects.  Honestly and truly.
> For the impending FreeDOS 1.0 release, and the person without whom there
> would be no "all hail's" to deliver, all hail Jim Hall.  Several times.  In
> unison.
> On the good news front, I am semi-reliably informed via semi-reliable
> gossip that a new or greatly revised EMM386 model is being worked on.  As
> it should be open source, it can easily serve as the next generation of
> EMM386 for FreeDOS, (effectively the 3.x already discussed) following a
> period of testing, stabilization, and user interaction.  While the new
> EMM386 branch may have a different label, that should not be a big concern
> since FreeDOS has already had several private label changes for various
> base and support utilities, and the current EMM386 2.x has matured to its
> final feature set and code base (possibly with minor future tweaks).  I
> feel certain that the developers will allow proper peer review and sustain
> appropriate mechanisms for bug reports and support feedback.  As such,
> integration into the FreeDOS distribution at a future date should be
> relatively painless and welcomed by everyone.  The future looks promising.
> Originally, I was going to sign-off the SourceForge lists and move to
> strictly e-mail consultations on HIMEM/EMM386 issues following release of
> the (presumed) final EMM386 2.x for FreeDOS 1.0, per all my previous
> remarks on retiring from this position, a new maintainer, and quest for a
> commune, but I decided that would be pretty foolish.  I need to stick
> around for a week or so to make sure no catastrophic failures were somehow
> introduced, and that no new critical items such as the BIOS bug need to be
> addressed at the last minute.  Plus, I'm still helping out a couple of
> people with issues that may be due to FreeDOS, memory managers, or
> something entirely different.  So, you can't scrape me off the FreeDOS shoe
> quite yet.  Soon, though.
> Let us all hope that the latest FreeDOS 1.0 test release, this addition,
> and everything else look so good that the final 1.0 release plans for the
> immediate future hold.  Peace&Love, out.
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Fall is my favorite season in Los Angeles, watching the birds change
color and fall from the trees.
   David Letterman (1947 - )

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