Blair Campbell wrote:
> Hey folks.  If you check out the website, you may be in for a surprise.

This is a very important day.  I want to send out my thanks to everyone 
who has worked on the FreeDOS Project, to help bring us to the "1.0" 
release.  That includes both current members and past members.  There 
are too many of you to name, SO I CAN'T NAME EVERYONE, but to call 
attention to just a few of you:

Pat Villani: wrote our first kernel
Tim Norman: wrote our first
Blair Campell
Jeremy Davis: longtime kernel maintainer
Tom Ehlert
Bart Oldeman: big-time kernel maintainer
Russ Nelson
Eric Auer
Joe Cosentino
Jim Tabor: forklifted our kernel to support network redirection
John Price: longtime kernel & FreeCOM maintainer
Steffen Kaiser: longtime FreeCOM maintainer
Morgan 'Hannibal' Toal: for keeping FreeDOS going when I took time off
Mike Devore: for all your contributions, and for making me laugh
Gregory Pietsch

..and all the rest of you.

If I missed you in the list, it's just because there are too many of you 
to call out individually.  This release would not have happened if it 
were not for the efforts of LOTS of contributors who believed in a 
little free software project that was quietly announced to the world in 
1994.  We've come a long way.  I love the FreeDOS that we have today.  
For me, it was definitely worth the wait.

And to celebrate, huge party!

Oh, and I'll make the "1.0" updates to the rest of the site later this 
morning...  :-)


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