>      Ok, I may discuss at public, if you wish.

I do not wish, but all your email addresses are "invalid" and you refused to 
use the nice EDR-DOS forum.

> 1. On your site, program versions nowhere mentioned, only in "news"
> sometime.

no, see http://gra3/Jemm386.html

> 2. I see "Jemm386 ... based on the source of FreeDOS Emm386", but I not see
> in JEMM normal build subsystem (which was at last included by Michael into
> latest releases), which allows to compile sources by different compilers
> with minimal efforts (to customize batch and makefiles).

I used a different build system, OW/TC/MSVC/DMC are all supported (with 
"minimal" efforts :)).

> 3. jemm doesn't includes some patches for emm386, which makes it more
> compatible with different compilers. For example:
> -       asm mov ah,function
> +       asm mov ah,byte ptr [function]

I threw away all inline assembly code from the C part.

> 4. I compare latest version with previous to see the differences, and found:
> +    CMP                AX,OFFSET RESGRP:BP06_FATAL
> +       JZ      V86_EXC06_FATAL
> [...]
> +       cmp edx, eax            ; source < destination?
> +    jnc @@calc_src_done        ; no, use std copy
> This somewhat question of taste, but "je" and "jae" after "cmp" is much
> better reflects _sense_ (logic) of code and, thus, should make it more
> readable.

All right, but I doubt this is the main reason why not that many people are 
able to understand the code.

> 5. Is it valid code, to mix 16- and 32-bit registers?
> +       MOV     DS,EAX               ; segment register caches
> +       MOV     ES,EAX
> +       MOV     FS,EAX
> +       MOV     GS,EAX

It is valid and - since code has been switched to 32-bit - avoids the 66h 

> 6. Is there reason to copy return address?
>         push bp
>     mov bp,sp
>     XCHG BX,[bp+2]
> [...]
>     mov ah,0Eh
>     int 10h
> [...]
>         XCHG BX,[bp+2]
>     pop bp
>     RET

this is debug code to be used this way:

     call rprintstr
     db "something to print",0
     mov eax,ebx

> 7. There is code, which may be optimized. For example,
> *wordout+*byteout+*nibout. Or:
>  @@ok:
>         mov   AH,0  ; everything OK and finished
> +    clc
> [...]
>         inc al                  ;4 extra bytes for size + checksum?
>         shl al,2                ;4 bytes (makes Kyrandia 3 work [better]!?)
> [...]
> +       shl     edi,4
>         add     edi,esi         ; edi -> EMS region buffer address
> [...]
>         shl     ebx,4           ; convert seg to memory offset
> +       add     ebx,ecx
> [...]
> +       cmp     eax,edx                 ; ensure no overflow from improper
> current value
>         ja      @@noadj2
> +       mov     eax,edx
>  @@noadj2:
> +       sub     eax,edx                 ; max - used == max available
> [...]

??? I dont get it

> +void fmemset(char far *s1, char c, int count)
>  {
> +    char far * s = s1;
>         for ( ; count; count--)
>                 *s++ = c;
>  }
> [...]
>  void fmemcpy(char far *s1,char far *s2,int len)
>  {
> +    char far * dst = s1;
> +    char far * src = s2;
> +       for ( ; len; len--)
> +               *dst++ = *src++;
>  }

optimising the C part is irrelevant IMO

> 8. Same (about conditional jumps after cmp and about optimization) with
> DEBUG, which you change. I compare 99i with 99g and found:
> +ii:
> +       mov bl,0
>>> +    mov ah,al
>>> +       and ah,TOUPPER
> +       cmp ah,'W'
>>> +    jne ii_1
>>> +    inc bx
>>> +    call skipwhite
>>> +    jmp ii_2
> +ii_1:
> +    cmp [machine],byte 3
> +    jb  ii_2
> +       cmp ah,'D'
> +    jne ii_2
> +    inc bx
> +    inc bx
> +    call skipwhite
> +ii_2:
> +       call    getword         ;get word into DX
> [...]
>>> +    cmp bl,1
>>> +    jz ii_3
>>> +    cmp bl,2
>>> +    jz ii_4
>         in      al,dx
>         call    hexbyte
> +    jmp ii_5
> +ii_3:
> +       in ax,dx
>>> +       call    hexword
> +    jmp ii_5
> +ii_4:
> +       in eax,dx
> +    push ax
> +    shr eax,16
> +       call    hexword
> +    pop ax
> +       call    hexword
> +ii_5:
> [...]
> +       cmp     byte [fileext],0
>>> +       jnz     ll4
> [...]
> +oo:
> +       mov bl,0
> +    mov ah,al
> +       and ah,TOUPPER
> +       cmp ah,'W'

??? Please try to express yourself more clearly

> PS: I jemm may completely replace ms-emm386 and, for example, compatible
> with W9x?

it won't run with w9x, it does not completely replace ms-emm386.

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