It is not that complicated:

1) First you make a bootable floppy with everything that you want, 
including autoexec.bat, and CD driver

2) After you boot you will never know which letter will be assigned to 
you CDROM, but you can find it in C:, D:, E:, etc.. in your AUTOEXEC by 
checking if some file exists

3) make whatever you want with that combination to work

4) when you burn you CD, chose bootable, and you wll be asked for an 
image, that is the floppy you created. In the CD you put the files that 
will be seen as CD after boot

Please feed-back,

Arpit Patel escreveu:
> Hi All,
> I am trying to use Free-DOS in a different way and I was not able to 
> found any documentation on Free-DOS wiki.
> So, I thought it might be good idea to do email on developer's list.
> Sorry for any inconvinience.
> *Here's what I am trying to do:-*
> I want to boot from CD that has FreeDOS, but dont want other options 
> like, install FreeDOS using CD and other options that are displayed when 
> we boot from CD.
> I don't want LIVE CD.
> Also, I want to add some of my files to it, so after boot in to FreeDOS, 
> I want to see that program, so that I can run it.
> Can anybody help me out?
> Thanks for help.
> Arpit

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