Hi Alex,

> * in some cases best readability is the target [best user experience]
> * in some cases exact string representation is the target [copy+paste, debug]
> * in some other cases you simply want to be fast [viewing text/binary files]
> for exact representations any sort of escaped character sequences might be 
> used.
> readability instead requires different substitution rules.
> for the fast case you dont care about accuracy but only
> send e.g. a dot to the console for anything not simply
> convertible - thats how hex editors do it for ages.

That is interesting, but I also wonder: Which size of font
do people want and where do they want to process Unicode?

In file contents, file names, URLs? Only in a special app
(e.g. Blocek Unicode text editor for DOS) or everywhere?

Do they also want to type Unicode? Or maybe use some sort
of popup char table to enter Unicode? Or just not type it?


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