oh, yeah, and nnansi.sys was in color.  I think there was also a vt100.sys or 
something around somewhere but it wasn't in color.
I will see if I can dig it up.
well, guess what - it's in freedos.
you basically send it escape sequences, and you can locate things on the screen 
with it.
for instance, you can keep your prompt at the top of the screen if you want 
(don't know what good that will do).
maybe post some sample prompts.

it's been years since I worked with nnansi.sys (now nansi.sys).

some stuff I would like to see available to prompts is things like in the 
windows CMD shell prompts:
Changes the cmd.exe command prompt.

codes would be needed for the following:

& (Ampersand)
| (pipe)
( (Left parenthesis)
Current date
Current time
Escape code (ASCII code 27)
) (Right parenthesis)
> (greater-than sign)
Backspace (erases previous character)
< (less-than sign)
Current drive
Current drive and path
= (equal sign)
FreeDOS version number
Carriage return and linefeed
$ (dollar sign)

zero or more plus sign (+) characters depending upon the
depth of the PUSHD directory stack, one character for each
level pushed.

My prompt looks like this, but then I have a 132 column window:

Tue 07/26/2011  0:37:21.96|C:\Documents and Settings\Jim Michaels|>

If you want to see what Windows' are, simply do prompt /? 

Jim Michaels
http://JesusnJim.com (my personal site, has software)
Computer memory/disk size measurements:
[KB KiB] [MB MiB] [GB GiB] [TB TiB]
Note: disk size is measured in MB, GB, or TB, not in MiB, GiB, or TiB.  
computer memory (RAM) is measured in MiB and GiB.

>From: Rugxulo <rugx...@gmail.com>
>To: freedos-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
>Sent: Monday, July 25, 2011 4:14 PM
>Subject: Re: [Freedos-devel] {Spam?} Re: .BAT tricks (%RANDOM%, ANSI escapes 
>in %PROMPT%)
>BTW, I don't know why it says "{Spam?}" in the topic. Surely you don't
>consider either of us spammers. But perhaps your mail reader / service
>marked it? (wouldn't be surprised)
>On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 5:06 PM, Bernd Blaauw <bbla...@home.nl> wrote:
>> Op 25-7-2011 23:51, Rugxulo schreef:
>>> P.S. Timo's BAT FAQ wasn't as exhaustive as I thought. The only
>>> interesting trick was doing something like "echo. exit | command /c
>>> prompt set blah=$t", which still would've needed some fiddling with an
>>> external tool
>> Actually it was extensive enough!
>It's a pretty huge collection of tips (389 kb!, last updated? 2005). I
>wonder if Timo even uses DOS these days. But anyways, I meant it
>didn't have tons and tons of "generate random number" tricks.
>There was one guy, back in the day, who wrote a /dev/random clone
>(sorta) device driver for DOS. I can't remember if I ever tried it,
>but FreeDOS had some other subtle bug regarding read-only CON / char
>device or whatever (messed with rot13.sys, sadly, heh ... who says DOS
>doesn't have encryption? <g>).
>> It showed the use of an undocumented
>> MS COMMAND.COM trick to switch drive: add "\" to the end of any valid
>> filename.
>> @echo off
>> rem switch to root drive of wherever this file is located:
>> %0\
>But does that work under FreeCOM? Or I guess you test which DOS
>variant and act accordingly?
>> It's good enough for me. After that I tried starting Setup from CDROM
>> after booting from a Win98 bootdisk. Turns out TRUENAME used on a
>> CD-driveletter assigned by MSCDEX (or maybe even network shares) is
>> listed in a quite odd way. Ah well.
>How so? (Example plz, kthxbai.) Well, isn't TRUENAME undocumented
>anyways? (Or did they finally document it?)
>P.S. If I do say so, "move" and "deltree" (similar to "rd /s" in
>CMD.EXE) would be a proper fit to moving [sic] into FreeCOM. Yeah, I
>know I know, future dreaming, have to do it myself, blah blah. But
>seriously, "move" is so redundant by itself (it's just ren or copy +
>del, right?). Oh well.
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