
2011/9/13 Jim Hall <jh...@freedos.org>:
> In DOS, it would be awesome to have true multitasking, where you can
> let a process run in the background (like a compile) while you do
> something else (browser?) But to be honest, all I really want/need is
> some sort of extension or "shell" that provides task-switching, rather
> than true multitasking.

There would be a way, but would require someone to find out if it is
feasible and work about it. I haven't done it myself, although I was
tempted to try out.
Pick the smallest Linux distribution that you know. Remove X and
anything about graphics. Remove any Unix stuff, and configure init to
have several virtual consoles boot the text-mode of DOSEMU (instead of
any unix-style terminal), in which you put FreeDOS.
Wouldn't it be great that you'd have several FreeDOSes running
simultaneously? (switch with Ctrl+Alt+Fn).

You wouldn't have the problem of "modern hardware" (Linux does the
part), but then you have quite other disadvantages (I don't know how
good would be the drive mapping process that DOSEMU does. Would be
nice if DOSEMU scanned all the disks and mapped ALL partitions

In the meantime, yes, at least task switching would be great.


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