>>>3). "LES DI,mem" loads ES:DI with the 32-bit pointer value stored at
>>>[mem], not the address of mem itself.

>> The "LES, DI, a" instruction that I have give as a 
>> correct/alternative instruction will do exactly what is intended, 
>> setting ES:DI to the address of the buffer that us to be filled with 
>> the function call...
> definitively not.

>    LES, DI, a

> will load ES:DI with the *content* of a, not the address of a

>   some compilers (MSC, TurboC) accept

>   mov ax, seg a
>   mov es, ax
>   lea di, a

AFAIR the alternative might be (I don't speak Pascal very good)

    var APTR = ^a;   (* initialize far pointer to a *)

    les di, APTR;    (* now es:di points to a *)

is what ralf wants

> Tom

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen/Kind regards
Tom Ehlert

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