Nicely put Eric.
On 01/10/2015 7:33 pm, "Eric Auer" <> wrote:

> Hi Rugxulo,
> as mentioned earlier in this thread, generic operating systems
> are allowed to implement VFAT (FAT32 and LFN) without fees, so
> I would not be too worried about those two more years. Regarding
> LTOOLS quality: This thing is ancient and of course it supports
> only ext2, not ext3 or ext4. It is probably better to use the
> source of VMSMOUNT as basis for TSR drivers for exFAT access :-)
> Note that HPFS is owned by Microsoft (written while OS/2 still
> was by MS and IBM together) and HFS+ is owned by Apple, so if
> you want to be totally safe license-wise, you should use ext2.
> I would not use more modern Linux filesystems, as you probably
> need a TSR of several 100 kB to support those ;-)
> Regarding nasty integers above 32 bits: No worries, as long as
> we do not support GPT, we only support 2^32 sectors in MBR :-p
> Also, you can of course use 64 bit data types in DOS software.
> I agree that OpenWatcom would be nicer than Borland C++ here.
> Not sure if Pascal would be nice for TSR drivers: You can do
> it (see keyboard driver) but the extra effort is that you have
> to translate existing filesystem code which probably is in C.
> Remember that the Samsung code carefully got GPL-ed together
> with some licensing experts after the initial accidental code
> publication. You can have open source drivers for things that
> need licenses to use, those things do not exclude each other.
> In any case: Do not panic. At the moment, you are insisting to
> deprive DOS of a feature that Linux has had for years. In spite
> of having a much larger market share, nobody sued Linux either.
> If anything, you may worry about having to get a license if the
> DOS driver gets used in some embedded / appliance device, such
> as a camera. Even then, the camera manufacturer would have to
> get the license. The blame would still not be on DOS itself.
> Regards, Eric
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