
> Just thought I'd bring this back up as I am currently working on
> one of the core components to transition it from Borland to OpenWatcom.

> In looking at the code, I noticed that for internationalization,
> the CATS library is used.

so far there's no central, shared source for CATS, but take MORE as an
easy example. the actual source is

for best effects, tcdummy.c should be fitted to Watcom as Watcom
probably also has some functions that are - for our needs -

> One version of the FDISK source code
> didn't have the source or the library file for CATS.

> So in getting back to this developer studio, it appears obvious the
> previous chain that there was no real agreement on an editor.
editor ???
EDLIN is the official DOS editor ;)

> However, we do have a general agreement on the toolset, primarily
> because the spec says so, that being OpenWatcom C (or C++) and NASM.
Because the spec says so. aha.
unfortunately the spec changes every other year. without much
discussion ...

> LIke I mentioned before, the DOS API is well represented, which
> makes this easy. The next task is the supporting libraries, like CATS for 
> example.

> So to take a page from Linux, FreeDOS pretty much includes
> OpenWatcom. It supports the core DOS functions. If a package called
> FreeDOS Build Tools/Headers or whatever was built, what are the
> common 3rd party libraries, such as internationalization, for
> example that we could include to make building (re-building) things easier?


are shared between a couple of projects. not much else. RTL comes as
given by the compiler people Borland or Watcom), and not sooo

Mit freundlichen Grüßen/Kind regards
Tom Ehlert

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