Hi Javier, Steve and Ercan,

> JEMM386 is basically for 16 bit programs.

JEMM386 is for EMS and UMB memory. It is indeed
not a DOS extender. So in a way, you could say
that if your program uses protected mode with a
DOS extender, it will not depend on EMS anyway.

> As previously told switch to DOS32A

I totally agree! DOS32A is a drop-in replacement
with improved function for DOS/4G or DOS/4GW, so
if you want to compile programs with Open Watcom
which likes those DOS extenders, then DOS32A is
the version of DOS extender which you want to use!

>> like compile 32-bit programs these uses FreeDOS
>> HIMEMX and JEMM386 on Open Watcom.

Actually 32-bit programs compiled with Open Watcom
do not need HIMEM or EMM386 to run. Instead, those
two drivers are for making it easier for "classic"
(without protected mode) DOS programs to make use
of additional memory.

>>> I work on Open Watcom. I would like disable DOS/4G dependency on
>>> Open Watcom (32 bit DOS mode) for compiled executable files.

See above: DOS32A is what you want. It is free open
source software: http://dos32a.narechk.net/index_en.html

Regards, Eric

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