Will the BASIC interpreter comptiable Microsoft QBASIC?

I wish this BASIC interpreter is QBASIC.EXE for FreeDOS
for compatibility. It's name may be "FreeQB".

Eh, we may have different goals here. I'm looking for something closer to ANSI BASIC (actually I'm thinking of basing mine on ECMA-55 since it's free). I just want a plain old BASIC with the ability to run shell commands. My vision is to have a really small binary that could reasonably run on an IBM PC and replace MS BASIC.

I don't really see a need to replace QBASIC, because FreeBASIC already replaces QuickBASIC which I believe is a superset of QBASIC.

Really I want to to this because COMMAND.COM is just too limited for some of the things I want to script, and I hate having to cross-communicate between COMMAND and bwBASIC.

Happy Hacking,

David E. McMackins II
Supporting Member, Electronic Frontier Foundation (#2296972)
Associate Member, Free Software Foundation (#12889)

www.mcmackins.org www.delwink.com
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On 2018-07-12 11:42, Ercan Ersoy wrote:

Well, that being the case, I guess I'll write my own. I'll send out an
announcement when development starts; I'd like to finish the library I'm
working on first.

For those interested in BASIC, if there are those among you with some
experience with interpreters, I'm sure I could use some assistance in
making a fast parsing routine. I've done something a little bit like
this before that's pretty fast, but that program runs on modern
computers with plenty of memory.

Will the BASIC interpreter comptiable Microsoft QBASIC?

I wish this BASIC interpreter is QBASIC.EXE for FreeDOS
for compatibility. It's name may be "FreeQB".

Ercan emailed me off list last week that he was interested in writing a
BASIC environment. He may want to help you.

Yes, I may help for BASIC interpreter.

Thanks for replying,

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