On Sun, 23 Sep 2018 12:05:19 +0200, Olivier de Lannoy (free) wrote:
> 2) About memory capacity, testing for FreeDos was realized with this
> setup:
> LapTop, Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU @ 2.30GHz with 8GB Memory I suggest 2GB
> Memory at least (for BMP image size < 2Mo) but no problem for 16bits
> running application.

I'm sorry, but this doesn't make sense. Suggesting 2 GiB of RAM for a 16-
bit application is like suggesting to fit Pirelli tires on a Yugo.

A real-mode (16 bit) application can address no more than 1 MiB of RAM. 
Part of which is already occupied by the BIOS (384K), the DOS kernel (ca. 
50K) and the command interpreter (ca. 50K, unless it knows how to swap). 
Realistically, real mode applications can access around 500-600 KiB of 
RAM in most setups. This is why I was wondering whether this results in 
some limitations in the software itself. But given your answer I assume 
it is simply not a 16-bit application.

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