
In regards to the installer (FDI) and boot welcome messages, the problem is not 
bad strings or translations. 

What is lacking is configuration and mapping from UTF-8 to a DOS codepage. 
Without those, the text needs to be 
down converted to the standard default DOS code page character set.

As you can see. The contributed Turkish translation files in the FDI sources 
contain the correct characters.

However, the ones FDI actually uses have been down-mapped to the default 

FDI itself can switch display font’s and for reasons I don’t feel like going in 
to at the moment, it does not use
the codepage system. It uses transient bitmapped text mode fonts. A good 
example of how this is handled 
is to examine the Russian translations. FDI switches to and from the Russian 
font easily. 

Basically, what is needed to fully support Turkish text in FDI and the welcome 
messages are the following…

Create a normal flat bitmap font file with the entire character set for the 
Turkish codepage in DOS.
There are several ways to do that. 

1) Provide a V8F font file. This is a streamlined bitmap font that is 
compatible with V8Power Tools for 
DOS’s vfont.com. This can be generated by running a normal flat bitmap font 
through the simple
makeV8font utility available at:
https://github.com/shidel/makeV8Font <https://github.com/shidel/makeV8Font>

During the conversion, you will (a)pprove or (r)eject each character. Approve 
only those that are actually 
different from the standard characters. If you hit the wrong key, select 
(p)revious to go back and change it.
Once you go through the entire 256 character set, it will create a V8F file 
that contains only the approved 

2) Include a TXT file. This file should contain information regarding the 
origin, licensing and any other important information
regarding the created V8F file.

3) Make a SETFONT.BAT file. This file is used by FDI to load and unload the 
temporary V8F font. You can probably just
modify the Russian version to utilize the Turkish V8F instead.

4) Create a SETLANG.BAT file. This file is embedded into the FDAUTO.BAT by FDI 
during the installation of FreeDOS. It
should check for the required programs it needs and setup the display codepage. 
It should not configure anything 
else. (The keyboard setup needs removed from the Russian SETLANG.BAT)

5) Convert the existing Turkish translations to the correct DOS code page… Or 
provide new ones. 

And that should about cover everything needed to have proper Turkish text in 
the installer and welcome text. 

> On Dec 11, 2019, at 4:11 AM, Emir Yâsin SARI via Freedos-devel 
> <freedos-devel@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Sorry to bother you about this again, but I’ve just installed FreeDOS 1.3 
> RC2, and Turkish translations are not used at all during runtime, only some 
> text (albeit inaccurate) during installer and boot.
> See attached screenshots:
> <VirtualBox_DOS_11_12_2019_11_59_13.png>
> Above opening text has inaccurate characters, it’s got to be:
> “Şu başlangıç dosyalarının işlenmesi sona erdi:”
> “Komutlar ve gezinti hakkında yardım için HELP yazınız.”
> Also the text for “Unused (Boş)” is represented something like Bof.
> These text do not contain Turkish characters ı, and ş.
> When I try a “bad” command, the text I get is not Turkish at all.
> <VirtualBox_DOS_11_12_2019_12_05_59.png>
> Installer also does not use Turkish letters. “English” is written as 
> “İngilizce”, or “ettiginiz” is written as ettiğiniz. Following screens do not 
> use the Turkish characters as well.
> I believe the installer was not fixed as per the previous conversations about 
> this subject, if someone can send me the strings file, I can fix the text. 
> But regarding the runtime translations, the previous talk and the translated 
> files looked okay to me, so I believe this is a bug.
> Thanks,
> Emir
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