Replying to freedos-devel because this conversation seems better
suited for the email list, not a private email.

I've reformatted to be easier to read:

On Sat, Jun 5, 2021 at 7:00 PM Eric Auer <> wrote:
> [..]
> In related news, I think we should also have:
> * both XFDISK and FDISK
> * all of HIMEM
> * XMGR and FDXMS286 (maybe not FDXXMS and not FDXMS?)
> * both SRDISK and RDISK
> * both UDVD2 and ELTORITO
> * both JEMMEX and JEMM386
> * both DOSFSCK and CHKDSK
> * both EDLIN and EDIT
> * both UHDD and CDRCACHE
> * both UHDD and LBACACHE
> * both MKEYB and KEYB
> * both DOSZIP and DN2
> * both P7ZIP and ZIP/UNZIP
> but:
> * NOT both DOSLFN and LFNDOS (which of them was better?)
> * NOT GCDROM (an old predecessor-sibling of UDVD2)
> * NOT COMPINFO either given that INFOPLUS is much better
> * Maybe not even both FREEDOOM and BOOM at the same time
> * Also, UIDE should be "less default" and UHDD more default
> Even so much default that the installer uses it itself :-)
> [..]

My thoughts on a few of these:

SRDISK and RDISK are both RAM disks. RDISK is from Jack Ellis, SRDISK
is from Marko Kohtala. However, I don't know that we currently have
RDISK in FreeDOS 1.3 RC4; it's not on the package list in the wiki
( nor on
the package report on ibiblio
Even though they do the same thing, I don't see a conflict in the
overlap; I'd be okay with both of these.

I disagree on keeping both FDISK and XFDISK. I think it would be
better to go to just one FDISK app. I'm not considering AEFDISK here
because AEFDISK is a command-line partition tool, not a full-screen
app like FDISK and XFDISK. Note that XFDISK was moved to the "Bonus"
CD anyway. The note in the wiki says about XFDISK: "license is okay,
but is this package needed/useful? (We already have FDISK in Base)"

No problems with keeping both EDLIN and EDIT. These are standard DOS
programs, and I don't know why we would remove either of them.

Also okay with keeping both DOSZIP and DN2. These are both file
managers. I don't want to "open the door" to adding a bunch of
different file managers, but I think two is okay.

And I'm fine with keeping both P7Zip and Zip/Unzip. Note that
Zip/Unzip are the standard Info-Zip archive tools, while P7Zip can
work with some other files. I'd like to keep Zip/Unzip for sure, but
P7Zip also works with other archive types. And there's a note on the
wiki's package list that says, in part: "Consider including only a few
of these (Zip, Unzip, p7zip, arj) and maybe the rest could be part of
an Extras image." So that seems like a done decision, anyway.

I would like to pick a direction with FreeDOS HELP, though. I recall
that HTML Help had some bugs, are these still there? Meanwhile, I
think AMBHELP (version of AMB) is really well organized, and it's able
to read the HTMLHELP files (after conversion) so this seems like a
good Help platform to move forward on.

I agree that we should pick one of DOSLFN or LFNDOS. I don't use LFN,
so I don't know which is better. I defer to others here.

FreeDOOM v Boom are both ports of the Doom source code. It's been a
while since I looked at the games very closely. But didn't FreeDOOM
have a dependency on Boom? Or am I misremembering that?


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