> I have to admit that I don't even know what UPC is.
> OTOH this should be tested by a developer who is at least able to
> detect if UPC features are even searched for by these games.
> Both in a OAKCDROM and UDVD2 environment.  Jack is absolutely right
> to refuse to implement UPC just in case it might be required by some
> games.

As Eric later responded, UPC and EAN are the same thing (and since you are from 
Germany I assume you know what EANs are).  This goes back to the early days of 
audio CDs when the manufacturer would include the UPC/EAN code electronically 
on the CD.  This would theoretically allow you to download the metadata for the 
audio CD (Artist, Title, Song List, Lyrics, Album Art, etc.).  Each song also 
has a number code for it (called the ISRC), though those are not always 
embedded on the CD.

All of this data is stored in sub-channnel data on the CD.  In addition to the 
2048 bytes of "regular" sector data, each sector also contains a small amount 
overhead/formatting information and sub-channel data.  There are 8 sub-channels 
available (P, Q, R, ..., W) but on audio CDs only P & Q are defined in the 
standards.  The Q sub-channel contains sector information (on audio CDs this is 
the Minute-Second-Fractional Second information), UPC code, and ISRC data.

In the device driver standard for DOS, there are standard IOCTL requests you 
can issue to the CD player to obtain various kinds of sub-channel information.  
The fact that Jack (and apparently you) think they are unneeded is irrelevant.  
They are part of the standard and should be implemented.  They are in fact 
useful for audio CDs, and it doesn't matter if some game CDs use them for copy 
protection or something else.  The drivers need to implement the standard as 
fully as they can and not decide for the user what they don't want.

As far as implementation, there are standard SCSI requests associated with 
obtaining the sub-channel information, and one specifically dedicated to 
obtaining the UPC/EAN code.  This is not difficult to implement in the 
software, as long as the hardware (CD player) supports it.

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