Hi everyone!

Looking for feedback on this form.

Background: In this weekend's FreeDOS get-together, some folks wanted
to know "how do people run FreeDOS?" and "who is running FreeDOS?" I
ran a survey around 2010 or 2012, and that's how we learned that many
people use FreeDOS for three key things: playing DOS games, running
DOS software (usually for legacy reasons), and supporting embedded

I'd like to update the survey, and learn a few other things about how
people use FreeDOS.

I've set up this anonymous survey to ask how people use FreeDOS.

Questions are:

1. What do you use FreeDOS for? (select all that apply)
[play DOS games, run DOS programs, ..]

2. How do you run FreeDOS? (select all that apply)
[on real hardware, in a virtual machine]

3. Does FreeDOS share the same hardware with another operating system?
[yes/no .. with Windows/Linux/DOS/other]

4. What is your level of DOS experience?
[1-10 scale]

Thoughts on the survey? Too many questions? Too many options? Or not enough?

I want to provide a balance on this survey; keep the questions +
answers focused, but gather enough detail that we can learn how people
are running FreeDOS, and what they are doing with it.

This information can help inform "use cases" for FreeDOS, especially
as we discuss software and installer options. It's also useful
information to have as I update the website (see test.freedos.org) so
I can provide the right info to help people.

I'll post the survey on the website this weekend, and advertise it for
a few weeks via Twitter, Facebook, website, etc.


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