one more problem with fdisk 1.3.4:
I just tried to create a ca. 230 MB big partition on a second HD in virtualbox. I ran fdisk 1.3.4 from the first virtual HD (C:) and executed it for the second HD via
fdisk position 5, change HD, created one primary partition, everything seems to work fine. I answered the question for FAT32 with YES
After a reboot (yes, I know this) format d: format 0.91w gave out the following message:
Boot sector unreadable, disk not yet formatted.
Cannot find existing format - Not saving UNFORMAT data. Please enter volume label (none) etc. No label, disk will have no creation timestamp.
Quick formatting (only flushing metadata)
Warning, resets bad cluster markings, if any
DRIVE_IO (WRITE 0, count 1) [FAT12(16] [drive D*]
Critical error during DOS disk access
  DOS driver error (hex):01
  Description: unknown unit for driver
 Program terminated.
 [Error 129]
format version is 0.91w
Same results with format d: /d
If I do the same with a bigger virtual HD (ca. 550 MB size) fdisk creates a FAT32 partition and format has NO problems.
I tried both two times.
Any ideas? Is it reproducable?
W. Spiegl / Fritz
Sent: Saturday, July 10, 2021 at 8:33 PM
From: "Jerome Shidel" <>
To: "FreeDOS Developers" <>
Subject: [Freedos-devel] FDISK issue
Hi all,

I’ve just noticed a minor issue/wierdness with FDISK.

It is not a serious problem. It is just something it does not do that the Microsoft version does do. Mostly just a little interesting.

Some back story… Several years ago, I took my Pentium Pro motherboard out of it’s original massive 3 foot tall full tower server case and stuck it into a 2U rack mount chassis. But, this forced me to use a PCI riser and only PCI cards. Well, a few days ago I was fed up with trying to get good sound support with the mostly working PCI sound card. So, I ripped it out of that case, grabbed some other components I had laying around and stuffed it into a different modern full tower case (only 19” tall). Pulled my Sound Blaster AWE64 Gold card out of the 486 docking station and plugged it into one of the Pentium Pro’s ISA slots. Yippie, good sound in DOS games.

I mainly use the machine for testing stuff. But, I’ve got a lot of games and software from the Win 9X days. So, I’m going to set it up for booting FreeDOS, MS-DOS, PC-DOS, DR-DOS, OpenDOS, Win98SE. Maybe even do different versions like PC-DOS 7/2000, MS-DOS 3.3/5.0/6.22, etc.

The first step in this process was to install MS-DOS 6.2. Which, I decided to record as a video.

The Pentium Pro has two hard disk drives. A #1-160GB and a #2-40GB, both are seen by the BIOS as 8GB. Under DOS, they work fine this way as 8GB drives. (Under linux, their full capacity is available).

To my surprise, the MS-DOS installer automatically partitioned and formatted both drives. The #2 drive is very slow. Also, I don’t really even want it visible under MS-DOS.

Now we’ll get into the issue I noticed...

So, I zero’d the MBR on hard disks #1 & #2.
Booted FreeDOS and ran FDISK 1.3.4.
Created an extended partition on #2 using all space (8040mb FAT32)
Rebooted MS-DOS installer.
It partitioned and reboot.
It automatically started formatting drive C:
Then formatted drive D:, huh?
Quit setup program and launched MS 6.2’s FDISK.
Drive C: Fine.
Partition C: 1, PRI DOS, 2047mb, FAT16, 26%
Total disk space is 8025 Mbytes (1 Mbyte = 1048576 bytes)
Drive D: Is a little interesting.
Partition 1, Non-DOS, 8033mb, 100% usage
Partition 2, PRI DOS, 8mb, 0% usage
Total disk space is 8025 Mbytes (1 Mbyte = 1048576 bytes)
Interesting that MS created a 8mb partition, when the Non-DOS partition is already using 8mb more than the disk has available.
Rebooted FreeDOS.
Deleted the Drive #2, partition #2, PRI DOS FAT 12 partition.
Could not create a new partition.
Rebooted and ran MS installer, it repartitioned D: adding the 8mb FAT12 Partition.
Ran FreeDOS FDISK under MS-DOS. Reports:
Drive 1
Partition C: 1, Active, PRI DOS, NO NAME, 2055mb, FAT16, 26%
Total space 8048mb
Drive 2
Partition 1, EXT DOS, 8040mb, Extended, 100%
Partition D: 2, PRI DOS, 16mb, FAT12, 0%
Total space 8048mb
Logical… Drive E:, 8040mb, FAT32ext, 100%

To summarize… While all the numbers are different and neither seem to add up, the main difference was Microsoft’s FDISK was utilizing that little bit of extra space and the “end” of disk #2.




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