Hi Eric,

> It is important for me that both the installer and the installed
> FreeDOS use UHDD when possible, to improve performance, given the
> lack of I/O speed of our kernel itself, in particular for FAT32.

could you please detail how you measured 'the lack of I/O speed of our
kernel', and compared this to what? for what kind of operations?

what are your expectation of performance?
in particular for FAT32 the performnce is MUCH better then MSDOS;)

>LFN are an interesting problem, FreeCOM itself only uses them on
>request (DIR /LFN) as far as I remember.

the 'new' FreeCOM has LFN support just everywhere. you should have
tested it a while ago.

>   Most apps probably do
>not really care, so FreeCOM could be "empowered" to automatically
>translate long names to short names for all apps which are on a
>list of LFN-unaware apps?
already done. it's called SFN and is part of the kernel since 1995.


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