Hi Eric

On Sun, Aug 15, 2021 at 4:58 PM Eric Auer <e.a...@jpberlin.de> wrote:
> > * Nice to have: (not blocking)
> >
> > 1. Improved language and translation support
> > 2. FDAPM ("parse larger ACPI blocks")
> > 3. CTMOUSE ("become 8086 compatible")
> > 4. NGE NIBBLES ("improve documentation")
> > 5. CDROM2 ("add STOP and UPC commands")
> > 6. CDRCACHE ("remove messages about raw access")
> Leads to the question what your deadline is
> for those nice-to-have updates from me?

I don't think we've discussed dates yet. Here's my suggestion: I'd
love to see "FreeDOS 1.3" by end of 2021. Working backwards, I think
if we can release "FreeDOS 1.3 RC5" in October, that would give folks
enough time to test RC5 and identify if we're ready for "1.3" by late
November or early December, then fixes in December and "1.3" by end of

To answer your question: how about "late September" (about 6 weeks
from now) as a soft date for new updates, or "early/mid October" (8
weeks from now) as a hard date?

> I miss "Windows 386enh compatible kernel" and
> "new FreeCOM" in your list. Both already seem
> to be there, but need testing, did you just
> implicitly declare them to be part of 1.3rc5?
> Would certainly be great to have them in :-)

Under "Need to have (blocking)" see "2. Updated packages" for this bullet item:

* Include new FreeDOS Kernel with Windows support patches and latest
FreeCOM build.

So yes, both "Windows 386enh compatible kernel" and "new FreeCOM" are
in the list. And yes, I assumed we would include the latest version of
the kernel and FreeCOM in the new FreeDOS distribution.

> PS: WHICH updated packages are blocking? Just
> checking whether all packages are up to date?

I assume you are referring to "Will need to review all packages to
ensure we are using the latest versions" from the bullet list under
"2. Updated packages"?

This refers back to the original email discussion when you asked
"Would it help you to have volunteers for the version checks?" and
Jerome said yes, it would help - because it's a lot for just one or
two people to do. And I responded further with this note:

I think we could use more people to help spot out of date packages. As
Jerome mentioned, I try to keep an eye out for new versions of FreeDOS
packages and a lot of open source DOS programs, and I post news items
on the website and mirror releases to the FreeDOS Files Archive at
Ibiblio. But I know I don't catch everything.

If you are the maintainer of a FreeDOS program and you make a new
release, don't keep it to yourself. PLEASE ANNOUNCE IT HERE. That
would help a lot. Then everyone can try it out, and I'll see the
announcement and make a copy on Ibiblio and post a news item.

If you aren't the maintainer, but you notice a FreeDOS program has a
new version, PLEASE SHARE THE NEWS. "I just saw that program ___ has a
new version, new features seem to be ___ and you can get it at ___."
Hopefully you'll announce it here so we can all learn about it. If you
don't want to email the list, you can also email me and I'll post the
news item, etc.

If you notice a FreeDOS package is out-of-date and there's a new
version available somewhere, PLEASE LET US KNOW. The old version is in
the distro because we didn't see the newer version - not because we
prefer the older version. You can share that here, and we can all find
out about it. Or if you don't want to email the list about an outdated
package, you can email me and/or Jerome so the package can get updated
in the distro.

So this item isn't really "blocking" as it is a plea for folks to
please review all packages to ensure we are using the latest versions.


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