Does anyone have documentation they would like to have tested for usability?

I teach part-time at a university, and a colleague is looking for
projects for his class to work on next semester (January through May).
Specifically, he is interested in working with a project on
documentation (this is not a software usability test - but a test of
how easily real people can understand the documentation).

Do you have documentation you'd like to have tested?

Your responsibilities as a usability test "client":

- You will respond to a written questionnaire about the documentation,
including what the documentation is about (what program it is for),
what readers are expected to learn from it (such as "how to use the
program" or "how to compile from source code"), who the "audience" is
for the documentation (for newbies, for more experienced users, for
developers, etc) and a few things you would like to learn from the
usability test.

- My colleague (an instructor in the program) may also invite you to
meet via video (Zoom) with his usability students to talk about the

- You may also be invited to observe (via Zoom) a "test of the test"
where a team of students perform a single-user usability test, and you
provide feedback to the team about what you liked in that test, and
what things they should do differently for the real test.

- You will be invited to attend a video (Zoom) presentation of the
student team's usability test results at the end of the semester.

- You will likely be asked to read the usability test results report,
and provide feedback on it (was it helpful, etc).


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