> On Dec 5, 2022, at 12:18 PM, Fritz Mueller <fritz.muel...@mail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> as the actual FDT2212 once again has the older virus definition database 
> (version 51, latest usable version for FD is version 54 without daily.csv) 
> and only clamscan files on board I wonder if it makes sense to keep this "as 
> is" , to update it or to remove it completely.

I updated the CLAMDB package on last month from the link you sent me. 
However, somehow, I managed not to update the MAIN.CVD file.

So, I just updated the package again from the files you sent and the newer 
database will be on the next Interim Build. 

If you want to look at DB package before the next Interim build to verify 
things look correct, you can fetch a version of the FreeDOS package from 

Please note, the package generated by the CI/CD pipeline is not identical to 
the package that will be on a Release or Interim Build at present. There are 
some slight differences in the metadata and with some other minor aspects. 
Eventually when the CI/CD pipeline is finished and implemented across all 
packages, I will probably update the RBE to just use the versions created by 
the CI/CD. Not having the RBE need to clone, verify and build each package 
itself will decrease release build time a lot. 

> I have reported about this theme already two times, but for not reproducable 
> reasons there is no change till now.
> At: 
> https://www.ibiblio.org/pub/micro/pc-stuff/freedos/files/util/system/clamav/ 
> <https://www.ibiblio.org/pub/micro/pc-stuff/freedos/files/util/system/clamav/>
>  there are three different files:
> a) clamav (command line virus scanner) ca. 3 MB
> b) clamdbx (database) ca. 23 MB
> c) fdav ca. 700 kB
> I created a newer version:
> d) clamdbx 54 (database) ca. 30 MB
> To make the virus checker work FD needs ca. 128 MB RAM.
> As FDT2212 Bonus CD contains a) and b) with a size of 26 MB, it would not use 
> much more space to add fdav 0.2.2 in the same folder, a GUI for virus 
> checking.
> This tool was created by Blair Dude, his website is 
> https://sites.google.com/site/blairdude/home, there was no more activity 
> since in about 2010.
> I created an update of the ver 54 database for Jerome Shidel / FD. He told me 
> that it has to be discussed by the FD developer group if he can
> add it or not. OK. No problem, but as long as clamav with database is on the 
> Bonus CD it makes no sense in my eyes to leave 700 kB GUI away whereas the
> older database and the command line file is inside. You can discuss about the 
> question if it makes sense to update the database for "this old OS". No 
> problem too. But could you at least add a copy of v54 database at ibiblio so 
> that users can decide themselve which version they want to use?
> Thanks.

Just to clarify a little. 

FDAV has not been included with FreeDOS for a very long time. At present, there 
is not even a package for it in the GItLab Archive or on the Update 
Repositories for 1.1, 1.2 or 1.3. Whether or not FDAV is included, replaces 
CLAMAV or both are excluded from future releases, the topic should to be 
discussed with the group.

> Fritz / Willi


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