I did a quick comparison of the packages on the FreeDOS 1.3
distribution (both Live and Bonus) and the FreeDOS T2310 distribution
(Live and Bonus). And the differences in packages (added and dropped)
were as expected, so that's good. :-)

Then I added up the package size on T2310, both Live and Bonus. And
I'm a little confused about the packages on each ISO. There's a lot of
overlap, and I don't remember why that is. Can someone remind me why
we have some of the same packages on both "Live" and "Bonus" images?
Was it for the convenience of the user? FreeDOS 1.3 has the same

I started with the simple assumption that "Live" and "Bonus" would not
have any package overlap. Then I used a spreadsheet to "assign" the
T2310 packages into either "Live" or "Bonus" like this:

- Apps
- Base
- Drivers
- Edit
- Games
- Net
- Sound
(total: 284,587 kB)

- Archiver
- Boot
- Devel
- Unix
- Util
(total: 347,659 kB)

My idea for that sorting exercise was "general users who just want to
download FreeDOS and try it out" can get by with just the LiveCD. But
developers and other "advanced" FreeDOS users can install extra stuff
from BonusCD. And if packages appear on only one of those images, then
it's easier to find what you need.

These numbers are just the "packages" directories, not any other
runtime. For example, the LiveCD has the installer and "minimally
bootable FreeDOS" on it. The Bonus CD has what appears to be the
FreeDOS Floppy-Only Edition, ready to be written to floppies. (The
Live CD also has the FreeDOS Floppy-Only Edition on it, so that's
another duplication.)

For comparison, the T2310 distribution has 371,122 kB of packages on
the "Live" CD, and 607,575 kB on the "Bonus" CD. So splitting up
package groups so they are on only one CD image is quite a "savings."

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