Hi all,

has anyone recently played around with the FreePascal 8086 cross compiler to generate DOS executables? I try to convert a near pointer to a far pointer while working under the small memory model, but that is not as trivial as it should be, because I have not found a language / library feature for it. For example, a cast operation does not work. But the semantics should be well defined (for the small memory model): set the segment part of the far pointer to DS.

I came up with the following solution, but I am wondering if I have overlooked something built-in?

function ToFarPointer(nearP: NearPointer) : FarPointer;
  var p: packed record ofs: NearPointer; segm: Word; end;
  p.ofs := nearP;
    mov ax, seg @data
    mov [p.segm], ax
  ToFarPointer := FarPointer(p);

(the above of course only works with the small / tiny / compact memory models)

Greetings, Bernd

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