A quick status on migrating the wiki:

I set up a new Wikimedia instance on a new wiki.freedos.org host this
week, and yesterday I started to copy content from the old wiki into
the new wiki. This is a copy/paste exercise for a few reasons that
I've explained in another email, but here's a summary:

[begin summary]
Background: Long ago, SourceForge set up a shared Mediawiki
environment for all projects hosted at SF. Every project used the same
wiki system but had a different prefix. All SF users had a wiki login
by default. Later, SF decided to stop hosting a shared wiki, so they
made a data export available to every project and provided
instructions to set up your own Mediawiki. We did that on the SF web
host. In late-ish 2023, SF's website update meant our wiki can't use a
stylesheet. I can't blame them, the wiki software was out of date
(very difficult to update a website hosted at SF).

I could export the data from SF and import it into a new wiki, but
that would import *all* of the wiki users. And the SF database
includes *all* SF users. I don't want to import all those unneeded
accounts, so I'm setting up a fresh wiki. There aren't a ton of pages
in our wiki, so I'm copy/pasting everything.
[end summary]

SF is planning another website update on March 18. There's no reason
to think the old SF web hosting will stop working, but I am making
that a self-imposed deadline; I want to get all of our wiki content
moved by March 18. I think I'll make that deadline.

So far, it's been very do-able. I made a lot of content updates on the
"front" page of the wiki and the first few other pages I moved over. I
think I've finished the pages that needed the most updating (out of
date) so the most recent pages I've moved were a copy/paste exercise
with very minimal edits for any obvious spelling/grammar.

Dreamhost (the web hosting company) has very strict anti-spam measures
in place, so sometimes I run against that when pasting long blocks of
very technical text that might include commands. I think that's
triggering the spam protection so those pages are taking more effort
to get in (doing it in parts seems to help) but most are just

As part of this exercise, I'm also making all the pages look more
consistent. That usually means pages need to have a 1-line summary at
the top, rather than starting with a long block of text.

I'm also adding more links to things that should be in the wiki. Some
of those will get "filled in" as part of the migration, others will be
new pages. So if you see red links, don't panic. That's what a wiki is

If you want to see the new wiki, it is at https://wiki.freedos.org/w/

(The "w" part will go away eventually, but for now it's basically a
"hidden unless you know it's there" location.)

Once I get all the content moved over, I'll set up wiki accounts for
anyone who wants them.


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