Jim Hall wrote:
> > But when I try to build it, it fails in the MAPPER directory with
> > "line too long":
> >
> >>         cd ..\mapper
> >>         nmake
> >>
> >> Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility   Version 1.00.05
> >> Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp 1987, 1988. All rights reserved.
> >>
> >>         masm -Mx -t  -I. -I..\inc -I..\dos chdir.asm,chdir.obj;
> >> D:\src\tools\MASM.EXE(1): error A2106: Line too long

Robert Riebisch wrote:
> UTF-8 conversion is the culprit:
> https://www.os2museum.com/wp/how-not-to-release-historic-source-code/

Well, that's unfortunate. But at least it's not just me.

Before I saw your reply, I also realized that the source files were
converted to UNIX LF ending (missing CR) so I ran unix2dos on Linux
using 'find' to get all the *.INC and *.ASM files:

unix2dos -f -ascii -437

..but that didn't help.

I'm kind of busy with other things, so I'm not going to throw myself
at this. But please share if they provide a fixed version.

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