Free FDISK 1.3.15 is released.

    • HIGH: Fix FDISK not modifying partition type via
      command /MODIFY and via UI if FDISK is started in
      extended options mode /XO.
    • HIGH: respect selected video page instead of hardcoding
      it to zero when calling INT 10 routines.
    • FDISK provided MBR bootloader does not require more
      than 128K of RAM anymore. It should run with as low
      as 64K of RAM.
    • Work around Xi8088 and Book8088 BIOS bug
      (bootloader and FDISK itself).
    • Assume BIOS drive number of 0x80 to boot from if
      BIOS tells us it is unit 0. This should be an error,
      because we boot from hard disk. FDISK would not
      even "see" the disk if it is unit 0.


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