On Sun, Jun 2, 2024 at 6:31 AM Bernd Böckmann <be...@boeckmann.io> wrote:
> Hi Jim,
> > Am 02.06.2024 um 01:45 schrieb Jim Hall via Freedos-devel 
> > <freedos-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>:
> >
> > (I created a single partition on the 1.9G drive, formatted and
> > installed "plain DOS" to that, everything works fine)
> >
> How did you create the partition? Did you run FDISK or did you re-use
> an existing 1.9G partition shipped with the original image?

To be clear, by "everything works fine," I meant "everything works
fine in QEMU. This step was before writing the image back to the CF

I used FDISK from the FreeDOS T2406 install media. Specifically I
booted T2406 in QEMU .. deleted the partitions .. rebooted T2406 ..
created new partition .. rebooted T2406 .. did the rest of the install
steps as usual.

> > It stops at "Loading FreeDOS" and just hangs there
> This comes from the (FAT32 LBA?) volume boot code installed by the SYS
> command. There can be several reasons why it fails, the most probable
> being the partition layout. But it may also be that the 386 does not
> support LBA, and SYS puts the LBA-only loader onto the disk while
> running under QEMU. This might make the VBR code stuck in an infinite
> loop, according to the source. Or, there is some incompatibility with
> the BIOS...

It's an AMIBIOS (version 1.16) from 1996. With what I have seen so
far, I agree that the issue is likely to be limitations in the BIOS.
But I'll keep experimenting with different configs to work it out.

> You might try doing a "SYS X: /FORCE:CHS" under QEMU and then testing
> again with your 386 to see if the FAT32 CHS loader works. This is not
> documented via SYS /? but should work according to the source. You
> can find out if LBA is supported by starting FDISK via FDISK /XO on
> the 386. In the top line there will be an indication "LBA" if FDISK
> (and probably the other FreeDOS parts) make use of it.

I'll run that FDISK command in an upcoming test.

> If the 10MB partition can be booted from, we have to take into account
> that this is a FAT16 partition, and accordingly the FAT12/16 volume
> boot code is installed. This supports both LBA and non-LBA access.
> Jim, can you upload the non-working image and the working 10MB test
> image, so I can have a look at the relevant data structures (MBR etc.)?
> https://nextcloud.iww.rwth-aachen.de/index.php/s/BRXqZDGasw74NN9

I'm uploading two files to you:

10mb.cf is the "install" I did yesterday with a single 10MB partition.
It's not really an "install," though. That's where I just did FDISK
then FORMAT /S ... but at least it booted to a prompt. :-)

newinstall.cf is a test I just did, repeating one of my tests from
yesterday. It also ends up getting stuck at "Loading FreeDOS" and just

For both of these images, I installed it using direct access to the CF card:

$ sudo qemu-system-i386 -enable-kvm -m 32 -hda /dev/sda -cdrom
T2406LIVE.iso -boot order=d

And then made the images using dd:

$ sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=newinstall.cf
3637872+0 records in
3637872+0 records out
1862590464 bytes (1.9 GB, 1.7 GiB) copied, 97.3253 s, 19.1 MB/s

> What BIOS is this machine using?

AMIBIOS (version 1.16) from 1996

> As Jerome said, the FreeDOS installer will re-use an existing partition
> layout. So what you can try (not 100% sure you already did that): start
> with an empty 1.9G image and install FreeDOS onto it via QEMU. The
> installer will create and format a partition. Then, try to boot it
> with your 386.

That's what I've done in every case: boot the installer .. run FDISK
to delete partitions .. reboot .. run FDISK to create partition(s) ..
reboot .. do the rest of the install. I didn't want to "inherit"
whatever partition scheme they provided on the system already. I
figured it was good to show everything could be done with FreeDOS
tools. :-)

> Thinking of this LBA, non-LBA thing we might investigate if it is
> possible to merge the LBA and non-LBA FAT32 VBR code into one. But that
> is for another topic. We also might replace the loaders with some other
> one. If I remember correctly ECMs lDOS loaders have the capability...

I think if we're seeing devices like the Book8088 and Pocket386,
that's probably a good suggestion. But as you said, that's probably
best for another thread.


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