Hello Eric,

>> BC xx wouldn't have worked
>> after my HMA additions.
> I hope you make that clear somewhere. Otherwise, people try to use BC...
I was talking about history; at these times it simply couldn't compile
with any BC.

>> >It would be helpful to have some port MASM --> NASM document.
> Two solutions: Use Arrowsoft ASM (freeware). It supports not-too-complex
> MASM/TASM files. Good for the existing code base.
what 'existing' source base ?
there's no MASM sources around.
and noone cares enough to port TASM->NASM, unless you DO IT YOURSELF.

> And I really hope that it will be possible to compile the kernel with Turbo
> C in the near future.
this sentence disqualifies you as an even semi serous contributor to
the kernel list. please go away.

>> is it something like the bible, or should it be something
>> reflecting (intended) reality ?

> I suggest that it describes reality, but that original intentions are
> not removed but just marked as obsoleted.

I think, that a spec should describe the projects intention.
and it's certainly not the kernels intention to be compilable with any
the intention is to build a MSDOS compatible kernel; use the
approriate tools (free if possible)

> Config sys compatibility: For ME, non-menued (DOS 5?) config sys is
> fine, and I am not worried by the fact that our menu language is
> different. Might be a point which is open for discussion.
it's not open for discussion. it's open for PROGRAMMING.

> Are you sure that there can be up to 64 STACKS? I thought only 8..16?
it makes only sense for the number of hardware interrupts (8..16)

> Okay for me to drop SETVER.
because you don't understand it's purpose (your implementation implies
that at least)

> Still GPL is preferred, of course :-).
I'm pissed by GPL - for known reasons.


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