On Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 10:37 AM, Bart
Oldeman<bartolde...@users.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> Jeremy,
> I was wondering what your reasoning is for changing

It has to deal with debugging the kernel, especially during
initialization.  I choose this method as the kernel does not usually
have many strings it prints except when built with DEBUG and the
alternative is to determine exactly which portions of the C code and
corresponding strings may possibly reside in different segments at
different times (any time DS may not equal seg of string) and change
just those prints - otherwise some strings print and some print
garbage.  I realize it changes printf prototype to only match
compilers in large data mode, but the kernel does not use printf from
the standard library of DOS compilers anyway.  However, I will revert
the changes if you prefer.

Yes the CONST const issue is just trying to keep the code consistent
since CONST is the preexisting usage.


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