At 08:44 PM 5/17/2004 +0200, Bernd Blaauw wrote:
>Michael Devore schreef:
>>Looks like you might have something loaded high in a UMB that is conflicting with 
>>your machine environment.  
>>Take out the I=C800-C8FF to see if the problem goes away.   In fact, you could try 
>>full exclusion via X=A000-EFFF 
>> (temporarily) to see if there are any UMB conflicts, then bring the UMB's back one 
>> at a time if excluding
>> everything clears up the problem.
>as always, your message appears as 1 long line. Very wide. Manually quoting now..

I could go back to HTML style to get nice formatting, but then you'd have to fight off 
Eric Auer for me, so if you want to do the battle, let me know who wins and I'll 
change or not, accordingly.  What I won't do is change away from using the 
world-standard multi-platform Eudora after ten+ years along with a few million other 
people.  Perhaps that's arrogant or petty or annoying, but it's my line in the sand as 
far as a compromise there.

>Anyway, has FDXMS been verified to work with EMM386?

Not by me -- it's been enough work to support HIMEM.  Theoretically FDXMS should work 
if they aren't doing anything in the code which is non-standard or unexpected.  But 
theory gets shot down a lot around these parts, so could be fundamentally 
incompatible.  My take is this:  I won't change anything to work around a problem 
within FDXMS itself, but I will certainly change anything which is erroneous or 
questionable in EMM386 and makes it fail with FDXMS.

>btw, X=A000-FFFF is simply ignored completely (IIRC), as upper bound is beyond the 

Could be a problem for FFFF, but I said EFFF for the exclusion test.  If the whole 
thing is ignored at Fxxx ranges, it really should be fixed to allow them as valid 
range (even though it's unused).  However, I still need to re-sync HIMEM and EMM386 
with Tom Ehlert's last changes and re-test to ensure everybody's using exactly the 
same _single_ version, but I've been enjoying a nice break from all that.

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