>The issue is that you boot an MSDOS/Win98 bootdisk,
>with the FreeDOS format program on it.

>For best reference, start with a blank disk, use the FDISK provided by 

The disk was orginally FDISKED with MS-FDISK. There are extended
partitions. Starting with a blank disk would be hard for me because I'd
lose data on the extended partition.

>then run format c:
>after that, load XMS-manager,
>and run SCANDISK C:

Had XMS-manager when running SCANSDISK under FreeDOS and MS-DOS

>and you *will* find errors, even in 0.91p (updated version).
>below is A:\FORMAT C: /D > A:\OUTPUT.TXT , on MSDOS7.10
>1GB harddisk, btw.

It seems to me the key differences between what you say and what I did is:

* Not using the /D switch and redirecting to a file.
* Not running FreeDOS FORMAT from an MS-DOS boot disk.

It seems appropriate to run FreeDOS FORMAT from a FreeDOS boot disk. Would
you mind elaborating a little? It is my general custom to have boot disks
with the SYS, FORMAT and FDISK corresponding to the DOS being used. So
that's the way I tested.

Keeping in mind that I cannot delete the data in the extended partitions. 

Please, outline a specific test procedure and I'll report back if you don't

>Eric, can you disable the " FAT32 root directory: pre-allocating 4 
>clusters (less fragmentation)." ???
>I'll try in Bochs.

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