Hi Blair,

> > I think that the new distro idea about a collection of batch files is
> > really good.
> Actually, I am writing a more advanced method of managing packages
> right now to overcome the limitations of batch.

That is great news! 

> > - Make the distribution easy to update.
> I'm hoping to have an update.bat in the root directory of the next ISO
> so that users can update anything that has changed.


> > - Get comercial software inside the distro, not the software but an
> > install script/method.
> I have already a package that can download vide-cdd.sys and set it up.
>  This isn't in any of the released ISOs yet, though.

and again.

> > - Or from source install for developers.
> It would be neat to allow a developer to compile every package from
> scratch automatically if they only installed source packages.  This is
> similar to Gentoo.


> > - Bandwith from everybody could be used. (just live the package in a
> > place the install program can fetch)
> I had this in mind, but that would require someone to host all of the
> packages for download on the internet.
Not really, for instance you are already using bandwih from f-prot site. Am I 

> > - Make install scripts easier for virtual machines (vmware, bochs,
> > qemu...) and emulators (dosemu) since they all have the same network
> > cards, at the same address, perhaps.
> I will add an option to the new crynwr.bat I am preparing that will
> set up a QEMU-compatible packet driver.

Oh boy! I'm dying to put my hands on it . :)

Thanks Blair,


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