At 04:05 AM 7/30/2005 +0000, Mark wrote:

Hi Michael:

Well, the E000 message is repeatable on this box...

Found that problem. A matter of the EMS routines not properly reporting failure to locate a suitable page frame. Instead they fell through and reported the default page frame. I suppose that would have caused program failure if you didn't specify NOEMS option, didn't have enough room for the EMS page frame, AND the program actually tried using EMS. Anyway, it's fixed now, with better feedback on failure to locate a page frame when NOEMS and FRAME=NONE options are not specified.

If you want to try this test version of EMM386, Go to\downloads\emm386 and download It should fix your page frame feedback problem. Very much doubt it affects your VDS situation, but you can give it a shot.

Interesting thing, though. I could only get the message here if I first booted into Win XP, then rebooted into my FreeDOS flash stick through Windows restart. Apparently, the X=TEST option found garbage bytes at segments E000 - EF00 in those circumstances, so it excluded that entire range. Wouldn't happen on subsequent reboots direct with the FreeDOS flash stick OR powering down and up into the flash stick. Only rebooting from within XP.

And that's a good reason why X=TEST probably shouldn't be a default option. Under reproducible conditions on my computer, it can exclude an entire 64K range of upper memory that is available. There is no way to automatically detect that the range shouldn't be excluded, because the bytes are nonrepeated and look like they actually have a purpose.

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