Hi Johnson,

GUI (the current version should be UI)

Sorry, UI

is for the beginners and
operators, I don't mind using UI or GUI since FDISK is not a TSR, size
is not a problem. And easier navigation only made the program more
user friendly, you can keep using command line.

Yes, I'm not against the UI, I'm just saying I've never needed it and (in my opinion) it's actually less confusing to use commands only.

I have not been hit by the MBR bug,

Maybe in point form for easier reading:

1) Current version FDISK 1.2.1 have potential problem, personally I
always run into trouble with it, but not lethal

2) Jeremy's patched 1.2.1-k, it kills two of my PC's MBR, now I've to
rebuild everything from scratch


3) Jeremy's 1.3.0 beta, which never runs on my PC with "Error 0
reading sector 0x3f"

Sorry, I should have made it clear I've only ever used 1.3.0 beta included in FreeDOS Beta9SR1. I think you'll find the 1.3.0 beta will run fine on the IBM eServer you are testing.

The "Error 0 reading sector 0x3f", are you sure that sector is not damaged? What is the PC and drive spec? If you type FDISK /STATUS does it also give this error?

Gerry Hickman (London UK)

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