At 01:11 PM 10/4/2005 +0200, Eric Auer wrote:

"soon please" - would be nice to have that soon after FreeDOS 1.0, e.g.
  before 2.0, for example:  several EMM386 / HIMEM

aka, none. EMM386 is quite deliberately versioned at 2.x because it's moved beyond what is needed and necessary for a FreeDOS 1.0+ release. Only thing EMM386 needs is better compatibility with SCSI, but I can't help there since it works on all the machines I've been able to test. Most people with SCSI-compatibility problems either do not report it or cannot not work on debugging it, so the issue isn't moving forward. That is the one thing which really needs a "soon" flag.

In a small fraction of the time that has been spent complaining in various venues about 286-level failure (an extremely minor problem if you agree it is one at all and I don't) , it would probably take about 20 minutes for you to write a (very) small program which notified the type of CPU as an return code or error-level, e.g. 0 for 8086, 1 for 80186, 2 for 80286, 3 for 80386, et cetera as necessary. Far more useful and flexible for everyone without the need to bulk up the size of individual utilities.

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