Hi, :-)
First of all, I wish to apologise you for the (about 3-4 days) delayed responce. Unfortunately, due to a computer crash (because of my error) I had to restore my backups, so I was off-line for a while. Also I 've lost the original text to copy here. Sorry!!! :-(
To the point now:
* For DOS gaming under XP (since our friend, that asked for help, had a dual proccessor with enough power), I think DOS Box is the best solution (from there: http://dosbox.sourceforge.net/news.php?show_news=1 ). Be sure to read the documentation (e.g. for frameskipping with Ctrl-F8).
For less power demanding solution take a look at VDM Sound (there: http://sourceforge.net/projects/vdmsound/ ). I also wrote a little guide for another DOS game (there: http://www.acid-play.com/download/monopoly/review.php , please look at second review, under nickname Elf Wizard).
For XP's native (built-in) support for DOS software, bill22 had written an excellent guide (there:
http://www.the-underdogs.info/guidedos.php . Also take a look there: http://www.the-underdogs.info/guidewin.php . Please click the links from inside maillist, because the link on the page are broken temporarilly).
* For the friend who reported that DOS games run unusuall fast at today's systems:
Slowdown utility for Windows: http://www.geocities.com/kulhain/ (click at DirectShow SDK CPU Grabber link).
Slowdown utility for DOS: http://members.aol.com/bretjohn/ (click at SLOWDOWN).
Some other gaming usefull (at my opinion) software:
RAM disk for Winows: http://members.fortunecity.com/ramdisk/RAMDisk/ramdriv.htm (free version limited at 64MB). Some simple instructions: Very simple in use. You can disable or uninstall from Device Manager (left click on my computer->Properties->Hardware->Device Manager->RaMDisk->RAM Disk->left click Disable or Uninstall [ Qsoft ]). After Disabling, its not auto-reenabling after restart (and not eating RAM). After Uninstalling, its gone.
RAM disk for DOS: http://sourceforge.net/projects/srdisk (very well known ofcourse ;-) .
Silence (the annoying speaker) for Windows: Try DOSBox or VDMSound.
Silence (the annoying speaker) for DOS: http://www.simtel.net/product.php[url_fb_product_page]50462
I hope that helps. Sorry again for delayed responceand for loosing the original text!!! :-(
Best Regards!!!
Giorgos. :-)
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