At 06:50 PM 8/21/2006 +0200, Norbert Remmel wrote:
> >>>> You should also be prepared to send/sponsor this network card to
> >>> I really would like to do but my boss would cut my head off if I would
> > AT> That's just another way to solve the problem :D
> > AT> SCNR ;)
> >
> >      What is SCNR?
>Don't know either.
>But he is right... Cutting my head off would really solve the problem. :-)
>BTW. Who will go on developping himem/emm386?
>Is it really true Michael is stopping his memory management application
>for freedos? :-(

Well, first of all it isn't my application, it has many other hands in it, 
at least some of them still active.  Second, I've finished up the feature 
set I'm interested in and am tired of working on it.  That's the kiss of 
death for programming progress, since the maintainer needs to keep active 
and interested for success.  (The gap appears to be getting filled, so that 
may be excellent news).  Third, the last 2.x version of EMM386 is quite 
stable for most tested environments I know of, although I know your's is 
still having problems.

I try to never leave people who depend on my work hanging.  So even if I'm 
off list soon, if you continue to have problems with EMM386 that I can help 
with and -- the big if -- if I can duplicate the problem, I'll see what I 
can do about fixing it and e-mailing the fixes back to a few of the people 
here.  Someone will have to take over integrating the revisions for public 
consumption, but that too, I think can be handled by people here without 
too much stress and complexity.

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