
and thanks for your wonderfull operating system. I am using FreeDOS 1.0 
an it really makes me feel being 15 years past in time with my first PC. :-)

The negative point of this is of course the same issue, I had 15 years 
ago: How do I get most conventional memory for my programs and still 
have (most of) my drivers running?

During the past few days I was searching the internet and learned a lot 
about DOS and its memory management. I am using this knowledge to set up 
my FreeDOS:
In my "FDconfig.sys" am using "HIMEM.EXE" and "EMM386.EXE" to access the 
HMA and UMBs, and load DOS into HMA and my drivers via "DEVICEHIGH" and 
"LOADHIGH" into UMBs. However, the HMA and UMB areas seem not be used 
completely/efficient so that some optimization might be useful.

This results in some questions that I hope you can answer:

When calling "mem.exe /all", I get told, that FreeDOS is using HMA, but 
that there is still 11Kbytes (11359 bytes) free within HMA.
Is it possible to load some drivers into this free area of HMA or to use 
it in some way?

I realised that "LOADHIGH" and "DEVICEHIGH" of the original MS-DOS had 
some extra parameter switches (/L and /S). With these one is able to 
specify more directly to which UMB the programs shall be loaded. 
Although "help.com LOADHIGH" does not tell so, "LOADHIGH /?" tells me 
that these switches also exist in the "LOADHIGH" version of FreeDOS. A 
simple test showed me, that it seems to work.
However, "DEVICEHIGH" does not seem to have these switches in FreeDOS 
although the original version of MS-DOS seemed to support them. By the 
way, a short explanation of these switches can be found here: 
Is the support for these switches still "work to do" or is there some 
way to specify in what UMB a device driver from FDconfig.sys shall be 
I know about the order of loading these drivers, but as it seems, they 
all want to go into the biggest available block of UMB (although they 
would also fit into a smaller block).
I also remember having read something about a program that lets you load 
a device driver that originally shall be loaded in FDconfig.sys, from 
within autoexec.bat (where one might be able to use "LOADHIGH" with 
swiches). But maybe I just dreamt that!?

By setting "DOSDATA=UMB" in FDconfig.sys the "BUFFERS", "STACKS", 
"FILES" etc. from FDconfig.sys get loaded to UMB (as far as I 
understand). However they seem to be scattered around all UMBs (and 
cutting it in half) instead of residing in one small block of UMB.
Is it possible to specify to which block they should get loaded (so that 
bigger contigues UMBs do not get separated into 2 or more smaller blocks?)

So you see, my questions pretty much are all the same: How to specify 
manually to which memory area programs/drivers etc. shall be loaded.
I hope you can give me some information about how to answer these questions.

Thanks in advance,

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