I have successfully installed Freedos on a Power PC MAC using Virtual PC
as the host for it.

It seems to be up and running just fine but I cannot get it to recognize
the USB floppy drive and I need to install an old DOS Program from a
floppy disk.

The program requires its original floppy disk to install. I have been
able to install and use this program under Freedos (Yeh!) on an X-86
platform so I know FreeDos can deal with the specially formatted

I have tried some other fat formatted floppies in the floppy drive with
the MAC with Freedos running and free dos does not seem to recognize
them either or to recognize that a disk has been changed unless I
unplug the USB floppy and plug it back in.

Thanks in advance for any help on this matter. 
                       Bonnie Dalzell, MA 
mail:5100 Hydes Rd ---- Hydes MD USA 21082-----EMAIL:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
freelance anatomist, vertebrate paleontologist, writer, illustrator, dog
breeder, computer nerd & iconoclast... Borzoi info at www.borzois.com.
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