
the graphical library DUGL has been updated: http://dugl.50webs.com/

- Cleaned include files
- Better License.txt
- The GUI, and Sound moved to a new open Source addon library DUGL-PLUS.
  This will keep DUGL a small and fast C/Asm library :)

- InitVesaMode Init now any available 16bpp graphic mode.
- SetSurf accepts now a 16bpp Surf as a target drawing Surf.
- Added 16bpp graphic functions :
  * Poly16 : supporting POLY16_SOLID, POLY16_TEXT, POLY16_MASK_TEXT
    and the new POLY16_RGB
  * PutPixel16, GetPixel16, Clear16, Line16, LineMap16
  * ClearSurf16, line16, linemap16, putpixel16, cputpixel16, getpixel16,
    cgetpixel16, Bar16, bar16, rect16, rectmap16
  * PutSurf16, PutMaskSurf16
  * OutText16, OutText16XY, OutText16Mode, OutText16YMode, RViewOutText16Mode
    RViewOutText16YMode,  RViewOutText16XY
- Added RViewOutTextXY for 8bpp text outputting
- Romoved the asm instruction EMMS from all the graphic functions.
  This will increase the rendering speed specially on slow computers.
  Instead the user should call the macro FREE_MMX() when going to use
floating math.
- Added ScanLine and Mask to the Surf structure.
- Fixed a bug on CreateSurf, and CreateSurfBuff computing errnously
the SizeSurf.
- Added the function SetSrcSurf(Surf *S) to set the current source
Surf for all the
  drawing function using a surf, like Poly, PutSurf, PutMaskSurf.
Giving the possiblity
  then to pass a NULL pointer as source Surf.

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