Ooops, I just noticed that the URL was wrong!

There is the good one:

On Sunday 13 July 2008, Mateusz Viste wrote:
> Hi!
> I always looked for a text editor which would be maximally similar to the 
> Microsoft's one (I have been using MS-DOS for years, so I just "know" 
> MS-EDIT). I didn't found any, so I decided to start writing my own!
> MSEDIT stands for "Mateusz's Saucy Editor". It's written in FreeBASIC, and 
> released on the GNU/GPL licence. It's not fully useable yet, as the project 
> is in a highly-alpha stage, but it should evolve quickly.
> I released a first "preview" version today. It doesn't allow to save files, 
> and the menu isn't working yet, but you may launch it to see what it looks 
> like, or just use it to read files :-)
> Any comments (about the idea itself, or the programming style, or anything) 
> would be welcome ;-)
> Regards,
> Mateusz Viste
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