> Key words are: closed source. Bad idea.

There is not much choice around ...

> The problem is that apps working with SB cards usually do this by
> accessing hardware ports directly (in/out instructions). You can't "hook"

This is a non-issue affecting legacy crap only ;-)

> and having a .sys driver to handle these kinds of
> boards would add a great deal of usability to dos apps

NO, a loadable driver usable form PM please ;-)

> Regarding sound libraries for new apps, I heard there are some around

Allegro ? Dead, ISA only :-(
DUGL ? Nice attempt, but so far ISA only :-|
DOSSOUND ? Closed source, file only so far, but Georg is cooperative
about my suggestions :-|
DIGPAK ? 15 years old standard, but if someone upgrades it ... maybe :-|
SNAP ? Closed source, dead, no docs :-|
Import drivers from Windaube (300 KiB "native" PE .SYS, 10 MiB GUI
installer) or Linux (anyone has seen a driver ???) ...
MPXPLAY ? Great app, but not a driver, and done in C (I'm not a C
programmer) ...

~~~ wow ~~~

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