On Fri, 2009-07-10 at 15:07 -0400, Santiago Almenara wrote:
> Hello!
> I've been using FreeDOS for a couple of months and it's working great.
> Right now, I am trying to install Windows for Workgroups 3.11. Is it
> possible to use it with higher resolutions? For instance 1024x768 16
> millions colors. 
> Is the process straightforward???
> Thanks a lot,

Unfortunately, my understanding is that Windows 3.11 won't 
work on top of Freedos.  Windows 3.1 works in standard mode.
Windows 3.11 is supposed to offer crude multitasking, but
the freedos kernel is evidently not compatible with it.

What do you have that specifically requires Windows 3.11 
anyways?  I have Windows 3.1 working on top of freedos, 
but I admittedly never use it.  Windows 3.11 was 
distributed on CD, but a lot of the software from that 
era was on floppy disks that are shot by now.

I don't think anyone really believes in Windows on top of 
Freedos.  The ReactOS project that is trying to replace 
Windows XP directly with an OSS operating system started 
out trying to clone Windows 95.  Part of why there is 
probably little to no interest in supporting Windows or 
a Windows clone on top of freedos is the fact that it 
will never be secure.  Dos is inherently insecure, 
there is no user context and no hardware protection of 
any kind.

What Windows software are you interested in that will run
on Windows 3.11?  I think you will find that most software
requires either Windows 98SE or Windows XP, neither of 
which will run on top of freedos.

Ask yourself, is Windows really an enhancement for a dos
based system?  Windows on top of dos is insecure and 
always will be.  DOS is the quick and dirty operating
system that was dominant on PCs in the early days up
until the mid to late 90s.  The advantage of dos is
that it's simple and there are plenty of apps for it.
The downside of dos is that implementing security is
impossible.  There is no way to protect software, impose
user restrictions, filter via locally installed software,
etcetera because everyone in a dos environment is a super

DOS environments aren't like NT environments and Linux
environments where there is an enforced user context and
hardware protection.  In Linux if you don't have the root
password, you won't for example be able to bypass a local 
web browsing filter very easily.  You can install a local
copy of another web browser possibly, assuming you are
allowed to have executables in your home directory.  In
a Windows XP environment, you can't install software at
all if you aren't root.

Supporting networking in a dos environment is problematic
because there is no user context.  Everyone is a super
user, so viruses and worms can be a huge issue.  There
are some limitations to what you can access on the Web from 
a dos based system, but by no means are the limitations an
effective filter.

Reconsider running Windows for Workgroups etcetera.
There is the Syllable desktop operating system and there are
umpteen versions of Linux.  ReactOS isn't stable yet, but it
should be getting much better in the next 6-12 months.

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